Sunday, November 4, 2012

Weekend Recap...

Okay, I am exhausted.  That is my disclaimer for what ramblings are sure to follow (as well as typos and poor grammar).  Between the fact I actually went out Saturday night (hooray for babysitters) and the fact my kids don't believe in time changes (boo early wakeup calls), we got little sleep.  So I'm going to keep this short, but I wanted to document my progress for the weekend.

Saturday was almost a complete bust.  I had no time to write all day with both kids home and The Commissioner around to distract me.  Then we went out to the movies for a belated anniversary celebration.  Which sounds lame, until you see the cinema we went to.  It's freaking AMAZING.  We reserved seats for Flight, which was great but seriously the movie was second to the fact we had LEATHER RECLINERS.  WHAT???  AND WE GOT TO ORDER FOOD AND GROWN-UP DRINKS... all from the comfort of our chairs.  Even during the movie!  I never wanted to get up.  It was so comfortable and the food was actually really good!  No crappy movie theater food for me- gourmet all the way!  On top of that, the movie was good and, oh yeah, WAYNE GRETZKY was there!  Somehow we missed TMZ interviewing him about the NHL mess, but we did see him!

Anyway, I did wind up writing a little bit when we got home from the movies, but not much.  Because we came home and Terror 1 had manipulated our babysitter into staying up.  It was 10:00.  She's supposed to be asleep by 8:30.  On top of that, when we checked on Terror 2, The Commissioner noticed her pjs were on BACKWARDS.  How do you do that?  They have feet on them.  It should be self-explanatory.  I really worry about who we entrusted our kids with, but my desire to have a night out will win out in the future I'm sure.  In the end, everyone was in one piece so I can't ask for much more than that.  Clearly.

When I got up today I knew I needed to make up for my progress on Saturday, and I did.  Tonight was good.  I figured out a few story ideas I was worrying about, and I really really tried hard not to edit what I have already written.  I managed to add 3,449 words today.  NaNo has a nifty stat tracker and it basically says I'll hit the 50,000 goal by November 25 if I keep this up.  It also has a graph tracking my productivity for the day.  I could do without that as it clearly shows my Saturday slacking.  HA!

Point is, four days in and I'm still on target to finish, and I still love doing this.  Here's hoping the rest of the week is productive.  I'm a little nervous as The Commissioner will be out of town so I'm on my own with the terrors.  On the other hand, once they go to bed I'll have extra time to write.  So we'll see!


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