Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6 Recap

So like most people, I've been glued to my TV, twitter feed and Facebook watching as the election results came in, and ultimately called for Obama.  I can't even express how much I love election days.  And the fact that my candidate is the one who won tonight doesn't hurt.  Listening to his speech tonight literally gave me chills.  I teared up.

Anyway, all that is explanation as to why I'm posting late tonight, and why I am going to keep this extremely short.  After all this excitement, I am ready to go to bed.  However, before I do that, I just wanted to post my recap of today's work.

I was, happily, able to meet my daily word count, and in fact exceeded it.  Today I wrote 2,112 words, which brings my overall total to 12,416 words.  And tomorrow, I get to write a scene I am really excited about! :)

Now, I'm going to go to bed with a smile on my face.  Obama was reelected (most important) and I met my word count (important to me).  It was a good night.

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